Registered Charity Number 1179170

About Finish Line Fund

Finish Line Fund was established in 2014, following the tragic passing of Nick Palmer of Flyers Southend Running Group, at the Southend Half Marathon.
Paula Butteriss Defibrillator.

Finish Line Fund is a community charity focused on East Essex, United Kingdom

We became a registered charity in 2018 (charity number 1179170) and as part of that process formalised our purpose, which is to preserve and protect good health in the community of East Essex in particular but not exclusively by:

  • The provision of grants to runners and/or their families who have been affected by serious injury, disability or death whilst participating in the sport of running.
  • Promoting running and other sports at an amateur level in Southend-on-Sea, and surrounding areas by organising running events and providing equipment and sponsorship to clubs in Southend-on-Sea and the surrounding areas to promote health and wellbeing.

If you are looking for support in line with either of these objectives, we invite you to request a grant.

If you would like any information about the charity’s work, please contact us and a member of the team will be in touch to see how we might be able to help you. We operate with complete transparency. Our meeting notes are available on request as are our annual accounts and constitution.

Our Team

The Finish Line Fund is driven by a dedicated group of individuals committed to providing health and wellbeing support to East Essex sporting bodies
Keith Passingham

Keith Passingham


Mark Benham

mark Benham


Lloyd Richardson

Lloyd Richardson


Nikki Benham

Nicki Benham


Anna Prowse

Anna Prowse


Elisha Letley

Elisha Letley


Vikki Kenney

Vikki Kenney


Dean Harman

Dean Hartman


Stu Robb


Our Impact



£ 0 k


